Designer interview question bingo

Mat Venn
2 min readNov 16, 2018


Eyes down for a full house!

I have been in quite a few interviews this year, and wanted to provide a light-hearted satirical recap to explain the real meaning of some of the most prevalent questions. Is just a bit of fun so don’t @ me etc

We need you to have a chemistry meeting with (insert job title here)

The (insert job title here) is difficult to work with.

What is your process?

We want you to come up with stuff that fits into our process, but at the same time see how you do things with no preparation

Do you have experience with design systems?

We have would expect you to use our design system (inflexible pattern library with no substantive design theory, principles or rationale)

Can you do a design challenge/whiteboard session?

We want to see if you can come with great problem solving in 1 hour (2 days) despite having no access to the very elements/data that are critical to understanding said problem. And not pay you.

Do you use Sketch?

I have over 20 years design experience at the highest level, dude, it takes 2 hours to learn Sketch

Are you happy taking feedback from the CEO/CTO?

I design for the users, not the HiPPO’s

What would you say your greatest weakness is?

We are determined to ask you a really personal question in order to break your confidence, and risk ruining a great interview. I usually answer “I fall in love too quickly”.



Mat Venn

Designer. Dad. Cyclist. Runner. Flâneur. Autodidact. Piano student. Writer of intelligent balderdash. Fondue enthusiast. Hopeless romantic.